Erion Network
Protagonist of the circular economy
Over time, Erion has established solid relationships with a network of stakeholders that enables it to operate efficiently and maintain high standards of quality. This network also facilitates continuous engagement on existing technologies, improvement suggestions, and emerging needs. The relationship with stakeholders allows Erion to actively participate in and stay updated on legislative developments, ensuring decisions are aligned with the specific needs of the industries it operates in.
The stakeholder categories that Erion deals with are outlined below.
The innovative character of Erion finds concrete expression through the research, training and communication projects activated in 2023, including through participation in programs funded by the European Union.
Erion constantly communicates with its Members, the Media, Institutions, citizens, and different stakeholders in the supply chain with the aim of contributing to the improvement of the sectors in which it operates, promoting the initiatives carried out by the Erion System, informing about the most important issues related to its activities (e.g., regulatory evolution, technological innovation, circular economy), raising awareness about proper waste management, and conveying knowledge about the circular economy.
Erion promotes the online magazine, developed with the Centro Documentazione Conflitti Ambientali. The magazine focuses on green transition and circular economy topics, embodying constructive journalism principles and offering daily technical and scientific content, special sections, and training workshops
ERION COMPLIANCE ORGANIZATION LLC – Limited Liability Cooperative Company – Via A. Scarsellini, 14 – 20161 Milan
VAT/Tax Code/ Milan Registry of Businesses 11344540965
Nominal capital euros 24.750